Global plant conservation

Conservation activities are ongoing all around the world. We could never cover them all, but with your help we can find and communicate some of the most relevant, interesting and critical.

So wherever you are in the world, please contact us.

plant talkThe problems facing biodiversity around the world are similar.
An expanding population and the associated increases in agriculture, industry and urbanisation are stretching the planet's natural resources to breaking point. Forests fall and are replaced with crops or cattle, while mountains and moors become deep mines.

There is a desperate need for global plant conservation. Structure is giving to this need through various conventions, signed by many member countries, such as the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)

At the 1992 Rio Earth Summit 150 government leaders signed the CBD, which is dedicated to promoting sustainable development and translating Agenda 21 principles into reality. Importantly, the Convention recognises not only the importance of individual species and habitats, but also the importance of people and our own ecological needs.